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Xibarita Catering at the Shanghai International Kids Fashion Week (SIKFW)

Publisher:爵瑞管理员 Release time:2019-05-14 Views:0

One more year the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Shanghai organized a parade of Spanish brands of children's fashion in the catwalk specializing in children's fashion SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL KIDS FASHION WEEK (SIKFW). XIBARITA CATERING by Juerui Industry came along with its professional team to prepare a unique and exclusive menu of Spanish tapas and wine for the special occasion. Premium brands such as LA CATEDRAL DE NAVARRA, RAMON PENA and JAMONES BLAZQUEZ were featured in this Spanish event. This catwalk, of biannual character presented their creations to more than 500 guests, obtaining media coverage among specialized press, web portals and television channels.

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